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Forensic Accounting Services

Our professionals at JS Advisory provide forensic accounting services to SMBs and corporations. Our experience in conducting investigations of state-owned entities, financial institutions, multinational companies, and other emerging markets. We provide our clients with accurate forensic analyses using the latest forensic technologies and relevant regulations.

Investigating fraud, money laundering, bribery, corruption and other forms of financial misconduct are part of our forensic accounting services. In our capacity as regulators and law enforcement agencies, we are able to produce forensic reports and evidence which are useful in supporting both criminal and civil proceedings.

Why is Forensic Accounting Needed?

The skills of the average accountant and editor are not sufficient to handle the details of the work. The skills of a forensic accountant are different from those of an average accountant because they require the skills of a detective, examiner, investigator, and even an expert witness.

Forensic accountants are responsible for uncovering every aspect of a possible corruption case – what happened, how it happened, and who was behind it. Forensic accountants are the financial equivalent of a detective, and they must have knowledge of fraud management and business processes to be able to identify fraud. 

Why choose JS Advisory for Forensic Accounting Services?

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